Sell your boat?
Buy used?
As the only shipyard in the region, we can proudly state that when you buy or sell your boat with us, it will be appraised and inspected by an individual authorized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce as an 'Appointed Valuation and Inspection Officer.
Det gör att du kan lita på att du får en korrekt bedömning av din båt och ett bra pris. Antingen säljer du den till oss direkt eller så hjälper vi dig att förmedla en försäljning.
If you're in the market for a new boat, we always have some at the shipyard that have been thoroughly inspected and serviced by the same individuals who build our fantastic Brandskär boats. Additionally, thanks to our close collaboration with Orust Sparbank, possibly Sweden's best bank, we can offer unbeatable financing options when purchasing a boat.